Where are Toroidal Inductors found?
- Switch mode power supplies.
- Filter applications.
- Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) sensitive circuits.
Design upper limits of a Toroidal Inductors:
- Typical minimum requirements to be specified for a Toroidal inductor design are:
- No load inductance in uH
- Full load inductance in uH
- DC Current in Amperes
- AC Current in Amperes peak to peak
- Operating frequency is needed for core calculations and wire sizing
- Core material is selected for the known operating frequency or frequencies.
- Other Toroidal inductor design considerations are space limitations and mounting technique.
- Lead terminations are also specified through the design of a Toroidal inductor.
A Toroidal Inductor design may vary widely in terms of power rating, inductance, voltage level (low to high), operating frequency, size, impedance, bandwidth (frequency response), packaging, winding capacitance, and other parameters.